Hormones, Peptides, and Anti-Aging
Hormone Optimization
RX Only
Hormone Optimization

Hormones, Peptides, and Anti-Aging

Transform your health with tailored hormone support. After bloodwork testing, your provider will recommend a range of potential prescriptions, custom to you. Choose which medications to move forward with at special wholesale pricing. 3-month commitment due to the cyclical nature of hormone therapy. Start the assessment to become a Heva Member and begin your wellness journey.

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At-home labs

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Provider insights and prescriptions

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Vitality, fertility, libido and beyond

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Built around your unique chemistry

with the Heva Membership
Treatments can include popular, powerful, and proven ingredients such as enclomiphene, gonadorelin, testosterone, estradiol, estriol, and more.
Directions for Use
Possible forms include capsules, injections, creams, or troches. Some treatments come in multiple possible forms, and you can work with your provider to make selections based on comfort level and desired outcomes.
Drug Interactions
Be ready to share your full medication list with your Heva provider to ensure safe and effective treatment. We’ll assess potential drug interactions based on your current medications.
Free and discreet shipping
100% Online Process
No Insurance Required
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!

Heva’s unique formulations treat testosterone levels without the usual drawbacks. Possible treatments can combine enclomiphene and tadalafil, boost hormonal balance, support overall well-being and body composition, and enhance performance.

Just Gonadorelin

Gonadorelin is a powerhouse for hormonal balance and fertility, supporting reproductive health in both men and women while also amplifying libido, stabilizing sleep patterns, and supporting mood and mental health.

Medical Weight Loss

Potential weight loss treatments are built to support your body’s natural systems for healthier hormone levels. Formulations integrate B12 and Glycine to mitigate side effects and enhance fat burning, boost energy, and improve metabolic health.


Powerful Support for Hormone Harmonization

Experience doctor-customized hormone therapies, expertly tailored to your unique physiological needs. By focusing on your one-of-a-kind health profile and goals, we’re changing the treatment game.

Proactive Health Management

Stay ahead of health issues with proactive insights. Testing and monitoring your bloodwork with expert guidance can help preemptively address health concerns before they become problems.

Comprehensive Health Support

Your $99-a-month Heva Wellness Plan covers required labs, doctor consultations, treatment supplies (such as syringes), and shipping. Your 3-month commitment locks in this HRT treatment plan, doctor insight on hormone levels, and follow-up testing. You choose which doctor-approved treatments to try, and you pay only wholesale prices for any medications you select.

Vitality and Vigor

Proper hormone balance can profoundly change your daily life. It can boost energy, improve mood, enhance sexual health, and help you stay vibrant and focused. Show up fully for every moment and relationship that matters.

Tailored for Every Life Stage

Heva’s custom-to-your-chemistry approach provides targeted support whether you're navigating fertility, menopause, athletic training, injury recovery, or looking to do aging differently. Whatever your life looks like, let’s optimize it.

Direct Access to Expert Care

Every plan includes access to a healthcare professional for personalized support and guidance every step of the way. Plans include all necessary labs and equipment, delivered to your door.

Sustainable Wellness

Fight fatigue and restore your body’s natural rhythm. Our formulations are designed to enhance overall well-being, from improved sleep patterns and mood to boosted reproductive health. By treating root-cause issues, you set yourself up for positive health outcomes long-term.

Change You Can Witness

Commit to yourself with a minimum three-month journey, due to the cyclical nature of hormone therapy. A doctor will explain your test results and monitor your progress with further testing, all covered under your monthly fee.

Treatment Journeys Designed With Life in Mind.

Your hormonal chemistry is unique, and so is the support your body needs. Heva treatments are designed with real-people awareness for beautiful outcomes.

Questions? We’ve got you.

Can you break down costs and how this treatment pathway works?

The HRT treatment journey is unique due to the nature of hormone testing and requires a 3-month commitment.

Your $99-a-month Heva Wellness Plan includes:

  • Required labs for hormone testing
  • Doctor consultations
  • Treatment supplies (syringes, sanitization wipes, etc.)
  • Shipping
  • Ongoing support

Your 3-month commitment unlocks personalized doctor guidance on your hormone journey. After testing, your provider will tell you where you're at, make recommendations based on your body's needs, and track your progress with follow-up testing. You'll access special wholesale pricing for any medications your doctor recommends, but you aren’t required to accept a prescription. This is your journey, and you can always use test results and doctor guidance to help you plan your very own approach to balance. Insight is power.

So, to break it down, you pay: $99/mo for 3 months (you’re welcome to continue beyond on a month-to-month basis) + special rate on any desired medications.

Which states currently offer HRT?

Our licensure list is growing all the time, so check back often!

Currently, Hormone Replacement Therapy, including Testosterone Injections, Testosterone Cream, Etrodiol, Estriol, Thyroid, Progesterone, and other hormone-related therapies are only available in the following states:

AZ, CO, FL, IA, ID, MD, NE, NH, NM, NV, NY, and WY.

What if I cancel before the 3-month commitment ends?

If you cancel before completing the 3-month term, you’ll be charged for the duration ($99/mo). We encourage seeing this journey as a commitment to yourself and an investment in your long-term health, equipping you with valuable insights and support that can change your well-being for the long haul.

Will my medication cost go up if my dose goes up?

Nope, your cost remains the same per refill.

Proactive Health Management

Stay ahead of health issues with proactive insights. Testing and monitoring your bloodwork with expert guidance can help preemptively address health concerns before they become problems.

How long will it take for my treatment to arrive?

Once the pharmacy processes your medication, we ship via 2-day shipping. It can take 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to process your treatment, so our goal is to have it on your doorstep in 7 days!

Is insurance required?

Not at all! A part of Heva's mission is to make treatment as accessible as possible without sacrificing rigorous medical quality. This involves direct pricing without obstacles and complexity. You can get started today at the price you see (no lab bills, insurance company claims, or just-because costs).

Is local pharmacy pick-up available?

Not at this time, we'll keep you posted if that changes!

Does this treatment require labs?

Labs ARE required to get started with Hormone Replacement Therapy so your provider can tailor a plan to your unique hormonal needs. The costs for labs and follow-up tests are covered in your Heva Wellness Plan. This journey includes a full panel to get a comprehensive view of your chemistry, so in-person tests are required and covered (we can set up a mobile phlebotomist at extra cost for convenience)!

Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
100% Guaranteed!

Your Heva provider will review your health history and make sure Gonadorelin is right for you.

Hormones, Peptides, and Anti-Aging