Testosterone Booster
RX Only
Testosterone Booster


Fortify is a specialized blend of ingredients designed to naturally boost testosterone levels and support men’s sexual health. It combines key nutrients, hormonal precursors, and herbal supplements that synergistically improve energy, libido, and overall well-being. Start the assessment to become a Heva Member to access Fortify for $79.

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Boost testosterone levels

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Support strength and vitality

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Improve energy and overall wellbeing

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Amplify libido

with the Heva Membership
Enclomiphene, Tadalafil, 7-Keto DHEA, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Zinc, Saw Palmetto.
Directions for Use
Take by mouth daily.
Drug Interactions
Nitrates: Severe hypotension risk. Alpha-Blockers: Potential additive hypotensive effect. CYP3A4 Inhibitors: Increase in Tadalafil levels. Anticoagulants: Saw Palmetto may increase bleeding risk.
Free and discreet shipping
100% Online Process
No Insurance Required
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!

Stimulate key hormones that boost testosterone and fertility. Powerful for enhancing male vitality and virility without the usual side effects.


From improving erectile function to workout results, Tadalafil enhances performance, endurance, and satisfaction in the arena of intimacy and vitality.

7-Keto DHEA

Enhance metabolism, improve your body composition, and boost your cognitive function.


(Dehydroepiandrosterone)mprove your bone density, physical performance, mood, and mind. Live Vigorously.


Boost your testosterone naturally with Zinc, an essential mineral that supports everything from hormone production to immune function and reproductive health.

Saw Palmetto

Promotes prostate health and hormonal balance to enhance sexual function, because a healthy system is an effective one.


This Is Your Life. Feel Strong and Vital In It.

Any day is a good day to start cultivating a life and body you feel strong in. Fortify Testosterone Booster is a powerful proprietary blend crafted to support your next level.

Unparalleled Amplification

This blend is proprietary and potent. We set out for an effective, pharmacist-crafted formulation you can't get anywhere else. Meet Fortify.

Heightened Awareness

Healthy testosterone levels lead to more energy, strength, better cognitive function, stress regulation, enhanced memory, and vitality.

Get Your Brain on Board

Target regions of the brain that lead to a natural boost in testosterone production. 

Male Fertility Boost

Stimulate sperm production, amplifying male fertility.

Improve Body Composition

Amplify your goals with better body composition, muscle support, and anti-aging properties.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Improves libido and blood flow to the penis, leading to improved erectile function (with get-up-and-go energy that lasts up to 36 hours).

Minimize Side Effects

Mitigate potential side effects such as mood changes and gynecomastia (a popular concern with similar therapies).

Fortify Today and Build a Better Tomorrow.

Heva champions proactive approaches to long-term health. Our treatments are outcome-oriented and science-backed for powerful results.

Questions? We've got answers.

Break down costs and cancellation policy for me?

Your $99/month Heva Wellness Plan includes:

  • Unlimited doctor visits (No waitlists. No running around for appointments.)
  • 24/7 support via text
  • All necessary labs
  • 2-day shipping on treatments
  • Exclusive pricing on medications

As a Heva member, your Fortify treatment is $99 a month.

You won’t be charged the $99 unless or until you’re prescribed medication.

You can cancel anytime! Whether the treatment isn’t the right fit for you or you’ve achieved your desired results and are ready to stop, you aren’t locked in for any kind of minimum commitment.

What does this treatment do in the body?

Fortify is a one-of-a-kind blend designed to naturally boost testosterone levels and support men’s physical and sexual health. It combines key nutrients, hormonal precursors, and herbal supplements that synergistically improve energy, libido, and overall well-being.

What are the active ingredients?

Enclomiphene for targeting testosterone stimulation in the brain, male fertility, sperm production, and side effect minimization.

7-Keto DHEA for enhanced metabolism, body composition, immune function, memory, cognition, anti-aging, and stress and cortisol regulation.

Tadalafil for improved blood flow to the penis, leading to improved erectilefunction, and better overall blood flow for workout enhancement.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) for anti-aging and vitality, immune system support, mood, brain function, bone density, body composition, and physical performance.

Zinc to regulate hormones that signal testosterone production, preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, supporting testosterone synthesis, maintaining antioxidant properties, decreasing oxidative damage, and spermatogenesis support.

Saw Palmetto for reducing prostate inflammation, balancing hormones, and improving libido and sexual function.

What are some potential side effects?

Some reported side effects include headache and nausea (due to Tadalafil), and upset stomach or acne (due to DHEA). Many report minimal or zero side effects.

Any drug interactions I need to look out for?

Nitrates: Severe hypotension risk.

Alpha-Blockers: Potential additive hypotensive effect.

CYP3A4 Inhibitors: Increase in Tadalafil levels.

Anticoagulants: Saw Palmetto may increase bleeding risk.

Is this safe? What medical regulations are these treatments under?

Yes! Our compound pharmacy partners adhere to the strictest quality standards, policies, and procedures. They are held to the following best practices:

  • All state and federal regulations (FDA guidance).
  • Vetting pharmaceutical ingredients through a rigorous qualification process.
  • Constantly testing raw materials, active ingredients, and finished compounded products via third-party analytical assessment, ensuring sterility and potency.
  • Continuous training for all pharmacists and staff to demonstrate proficiency and cultivate mastery in their roles.
  • An internal quality assurance program that regularly monitors and audits processes and procedures.
  • Integral and unwavering commitment to sanitizing equipment and facilities, preventing cross-contamination, and maintaining aseptic conditions.

Is insurance required?

Not at all! A part of Heva's mission is to make treatment as accessible as possible without sacrificing rigorous medical quality. This involves direct pricing without obstacles and complexity. You can get started today at the price you see (no lab bills, insurance company claims, or just-because costs).

Is local pharmacy pick-up available?

Not at this time, we'll keep you posted if that changes!

How long will it take for my treatment to arrive?

Once the pharmacy processes your medication, we ship via 2-day shipping. It can take 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to process your treatment, so our goal is to have it on your doorstep in 7 days!

When do I get my at-home test kit? When do I get charged, and do I still get charged even if I'm not prescribed any medication?

Your at-home test kit will be sent to you after your intake form is complete. Once returned, a doctor will review the form and bloodwork to determine if the medication is a good fit for you.

You'll only be charged if and when you're prescribed treatment.

Does the price go up if my dose goes up?

Nope, this is your cost per refill.

Does this treatment require labs?

Labs ARE required to get started with this testosterone treatment. Fortify is a powerhouse blend that includes enclomiphene and other potent ingredients, so your provider will need to review your test results before prescribing. We’ll send you one of our at-home test kits to make the process quick and convenient.

Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
100% Guaranteed!

Start your testosterone journey with provider support.
