GLP-1RA Weight Loss
RX Only
GLP-1RA Weight Loss


This powerful treatment offers more satiation with less food and targets the part of the brain that controls cravings. Tirzepatide activates GLP-1 functions while kicking your GIP receptors into gear, helping your body regulate glucose more effectively. Start the assessment to become a Heva Member to access Tirzepatide for $299.

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Science-backed weight loss

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Curb cravings and hunger

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Boost insulin function and glucose regulation

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Reduce cardiovascular risk

with the Heva Membership
Tirzepatide, B-12, Glycine
Directions for Use
Subcutaneous injection as directed by your provider.
Drug Interactions
The risk of serious side effects increases in patients with hypoglycemia, kidney problems, and a risk of allergic reactions.
Free and discreet shipping
100% Online Process
No Insurance Required
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ A Heva provider will review.
03/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!
01/ Fill out your intake form in minutes.
02/ Easy labs with our at-home blood test kit.
03/ A Heva provider will review.
04/ Medication is shipped to your door (if approved)!

Helps your body regulate glucose, curb cravings, and control appetite to support healthy weight management. Reduces hunger, enhances fullness, and stabilizes blood sugar levels.


Plays a crucial role in energy metabolism, helping you feel more energized and combating potential fatigue from GLP-1RA treatments. It enhances the effects of treatments like semaglutide, keeping you feeling vibrant and balanced.


Acts as a gentle buffer to digestive side effects commonly associated with GLP-1RA therapies. It aids in protecting the stomach lining, improves gut health, helps prevent muscle loss, and helps the body adapt more comfortably to appetite-suppressing treatments like semaglutide


Wellness Journeys From the Inside Out

Heva’s GLP-1s are formulated to fight side effects and amplify your body’s natural processes. Weight loss should work with your body instead of against it (and enhance your quality of life instead of diminish it).

Don’t Sacrifice Satisfaction

Tirzepatide extends your body’s natural processes so you feel fuller longer (and beat cravings easier).

Less Side Effects, More Benefits

B12 and Glycine help reduce potential nausea while enhancing weight loss and muscle retention.

Provider-supported Pathways

Your provider will be there to help you find the best treatment and dose for you.

Regulate Blood Sugar

Tirzepatide helps your body respond to and regulate sugars effectively.

Reduce Risk

Helps reduce cardiovascular risk and delivers diabetes support and prevention.

It’s Time for Healthy Weight Loss.

We’re here every step of the way with licensed medical providers, lifestyle support, tools, and resources for the journey.

Tirzepatide questions? We've got you.

How is this different from Semaglutide? What does Tirzepatide do in the body?

While both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are GLP-1s, Tirzepatide additionally activates GIP receptors, helping regulate glucose.

Every patient is different, but some individuals report fewer side effects on Tirzepatide, so your Heva provider can work with you to find the best treatment for your unique needs.

Compared with placebo, some studies show that Tirzepatide was more efficacious than Semaglutide for reducing body weight.

Tirzepatide is a powerful combo of amino acids that increases insulin production and lowers glucagon secretion while targeting areas in the brain that regulate appetite and food intake. A small alteration to its chemical composition allows the naturally occurring drug to last for weeks in our system rather than the version our bodies make, which lasts minutes.

Tirzepatide works to accelerate your weight loss by…

  1. Delaying how quickly our stomachs digest food. This leads to a feeling of fullness longer and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
  2. Targeting the part of the brain that controls cravings.
  3. Lowering blood sugars, in part by reducing the production of sugar in the liver.
  4. Stimulating insulin secretion by the pancreas.
  5. GIP increases energy expenditure, resulting in weight loss.

Our pharmacy partner also enhances both of these treatments with B12 and Glycine.

Is this safe? What medical regulations are these GLP-1s under?

Yes! Our compound pharmacy partners adhere to the strictest quality standards, policies, and procedures. They are held to the following best practices:

  • All state and federal regulations (FDA guidance).
  • Vetting pharmaceutical ingredients through a rigorous qualification process.
  • Constantly testing raw materials, active ingredients, and finished compounded products via third-party analytical assessment, ensuring sterility and potency.
  • Continuous training for all pharmacists and staff to demonstrate proficiency and cultivate mastery in their roles.
  • An internal quality assurance program that regularly monitors and audits processes and procedures.
  • Integral and unwavering commitment to sanitizing equipment and facilities, preventing cross-contamination, and maintaining aseptic conditions.
  • Weekly potency tests and extra quality assurance measures.

What are some potential side effects?

The most common side effects for GLP-1s include nausea and constipation (usually subsiding after initial treatment). Patients sometimes report acid reflux, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

However, the addition of B12 and Glycine to our formulations can help alleviate these potential side effects.

The risk of serious side effects increases in patients with hypoglycemia, kidney problems, and a risk of allergic reactions.

What do B12 and Glycine do?

B12 is important for metabolism and cell function. It helps keep your blood cells healthy and its introduction to GLP-1s helps combat potential nausea.

Glycine can help to reduce muscle loss without any increased or additional side effects. The studies on pairing glycine with a better diet are promising, especially when it comes to preserving muscle mass and stimulating the loss of fat tissue.

In short, B12 and glycine can only help to enhance the powerful effects of weight loss treatments and our unique formulation ensures our GLP-1s mitigate side effects and promote powerful results.

How much will my treatment cost?

Your $99/month Heva Wellness Plan includes:

  • Unlimited doctor visits (No waitlists. No running around for appointments.)
  • 24/7 support via text
  • Any necessary labs
  • 2-day shipping on treatments
  • Reduced-cost prescriptions

As a Heva member, your tirzepatide is $299 a month.

You won’t be charged this treatment fee unless or until you’re prescribed the medication. No minimum commitment required—you can cancel anytime!

I live in the state of California. Can I still start Tirzepatide treatment?

Due to current California regulations, we're unable to ship Tirzepatide directly into CA. We are working on a solution and hope to resolve this in the coming months. But in the meantime, we're able to ship Semaglutide as an alternative GLP-1 for Californians.

Who can use Tirzepatide?

503A compounding facilities are only permitted to compound tirzepatide upon prescription for specific patients who demonstrate a need for the compounded product over the FDA-approved alternative.

Is local pharmacy pick-up available?

Not at this time, we'll keep you posted if that changes!

Is insurance required?

Not at all! A part of Heva's mission is to make treatment as accessible as possible without sacrificing rigorous medical quality. This involves direct pricing without obstacles and complexity. You can get started today at the price you see (no lab bills, insurance company claims, or just-because costs).

How long will it take for my treatment to arrive?

Once the pharmacy processes your medication, we ship via 2-day shipping. It can take 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to process your treatment, so our goal is to have it on your doorstep in 7 days!

Does the price go up if my dose goes up?

Nope, this is your cost per refill.

Does this treatment require labs?

No labs are required for tirzepatide. Your provider will decide if it’s a right fit for you based on your health information. However, labs are available and encouraged if you want to track how your health markers improve.

Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
Comprehensive Wellness Support
100% Guaranteed!

Heva providers will examine your root health factors to assess whether weight loss treatment is right for you, and offer ongoing support for the journey ahead.
